The Nessy Challenge includes assessments of both reading and spelling ability. The reading assessment is a Cloze activity which is aligned to the well-respected, single word reading test Slosson SORT R-3. Ideally, assessments should be observed to ensure a student is not receiving assistance, is not guessing the answer and is able to answer within a reasonable time – no more than 45 seconds. Each question has been aligned to a specific lesson within the program. An error on a question will cause the corresponding lesson to be set as a learning target. Achieving a 100% score means all questions have been answered correctly and no learning targets will be set, although these may still be set manually within the students report profile in the admin area. Most students who complete the reading assessment, are unlikely to also get 100% on the spelling assessment because reading, as a skill, develops before spelling.
In the United States, completing the reading assessment would indicate that the student’s functional reading level would be at the end of 5th Grade and they are able to read and spell with proficiency equal to a beginning middle schooler.
In the UK, completing the reading assessment would indicate that the student’s functional reading level would be at the end of Year 6 and they will have largely met the reading and spelling requirements covered by the UK primary curriculum including English Appendix 1: spelling (but not the curriculum elements for writing composition, transcription, punctuation and grammar or reading comprehension).
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